About me

I am currently an STFC-funded PhD student at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge. I grew up in Nicosia, Cyprus. After finishing high school, I moved to Cambridge, UK where I studied Physical Natural Sciences (BA/MA) and Astrophysics (MSci) at Trinity College. I then took 2 years of: partly working remotely (ML Lead in a startup; for more info see my LinkedIn), and partly travelling (wherever covid allowed; for more info see non-research or ask!)

Research Interests

Planetary Science, Habitability, and Astrobiology:

Atmospheres, Interiors, and processes tying in the 2. Using our limited observations of exoplanets or celestial bodies in our solar system, how much information can we extract about their geochemistry and possible habitability? Critically, how could we distinguish between abiotic and biotic processes?

Research Groups

Planetary Chemistry: We study the evolution and habitability of planets in the solar system and around other stars.

Planetary Astrochemistry Lab: We experimentally simulate planetary environments and use them to test prebiotic chemistry.

Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe: We aim to develop a deeper understanding of life, its emergence, and its distribution in the Universe.